380 Elm Street, Biddeford, Maine | Open Seven Days a Week

It Started With a Super Dog
We thank our super dog Sydney for teaching us just how huge an impact the right food can have on your pet. Earlier in her youth, she battled constant ear infections, itchy skin, and other less desirable digestive issues. We thought these issues were just part of being a dog. Once we started researching healthy pet food companies and the ingredients they use, these symptoms disappeared and she was just a happy, goofy girl again!
Thanks to her SUPER POWER of PERSUASION, we were obliged to open a healthy pet supply shop of her own so we could share this news with others. We believe that every pet has their own special super powers that make them our heroes of the heart. As their caretakers, it is our responsibility to fuel them up with the best nutrition, tasty treats and great gear so they are ready when signaled to action. Super Dogs & Cats is the shop for all your hero's supplies!
We realize that two tails are better than one, and a "League of Super Dogs & Cats" can bring some serious fun and positive change to our community. So, please join us for our social events and fundraisers. Help us support our local shelters and animal rescue groups; because even heroes need to be rescued from time to time. It all started with a super dog, but now we are so much more! Read more about shopping with us!